How To Build Huge Chest

In the  recent time it has been noticed that on the chest day most of the amateur Bodybuilders get caught up in the hype of the big bench.It’s like an addiction for them.Most of the amateur Bodybuilders first do on the chest day is to run to the flat bench and pile on as much weight as they can,regardless to their ability to use proper form.It can be certainly understood the appeal of being strong and of besting their last workout.But never at the cost of the true goal of any Bodybuilder,which is building muscle.

More than anything every amateur bodybuilder may need to make a mental adjustment before they can get their chest to start growing.Piling on a lot of weight is fine if you are looking to be a power lifter.But in bodybuilding purposes heavy weight bench is pretty much irrelevant.

Most of the pro body builders like Jay Cutler(4x Mr. Olympia),Dexter Jackson,Dorian Yates(6x Mr. Olympia) don’t even include flat benching in their pec routine.Because it stresses the front  deltoids too much to be an effective exercise for building the pec muscle.Also the angle of the flat bench press put the pec tendons in a vulnerable position.Most of the torn pecs in bodybuilding is a result of heavy weight flat bench press.

So What Should Be Done for a Bigger Chest?

On the chest day the chest routine should comprise  four main exercises.Which will together hit the pecs from every angle required to ensure total muscle development.

well,the first exercise is Incline Barbell Presses.Pressing on an incline as well as a decline allows a better range of movement than flat bench presses.The angle of the bench should be low-about 30 degrees.Some people may have a problem with the range of motion in the shoulders to come all the way down to the upper chest when performing this exercise.Whether it is due to a structural limitation or an injury.If this happens don’t try to force the issue.Come down as far as you can without doing any damage to the shoulder joints.Keep the bar under control at all the times,making sure to forcefully squeeze the pecs at the top of the move

.Incline Barbell Bench Presses  Incline Barbell Bench Press

Incline Barbell Bench Presses—- 3setsX12 Reps

After completing incline barbell bench press move to Hammer Strength Seated Bench Presses.The Hammer Strength Machine is very much effective in pectoral muscle building.It will certainly serve any bodybuilder’s chest building needs far better than barbell flat bench presses.You can definitely feel the burn at the top of the movement and get a great stretch in the pecs at the bottom without having to worry about getting stuck under the weight.

Hammer Strength Seated Bench Presses

Hammer Strength Seated Bench Presses——- 3setsX 8-10reps

Next is Incline Dumbbell Flyes.This workout is done specially for the middle and outer pecs.Again keep about a 30 degrees incline to the bench and make sure you concentrate on using strict form.It is not about the weight here.Imagine you are hugging a fat friend of yours,and keep your arms locked in that position throughout the movement.

Incline Dumbbell Flyes

Incline Dumbbell Flyes———    3setsX 8-10reps

Finally it comes to Cable cross overs.This exercise is a fine way to impart an extra burn to the pectoral muscles at the end of the workout.

Cable-Crossovers cable crosss

Cable Crossovers—— 2setsX 10-12reps

Bodybuilding is supposed to be about quality,not quantity.If you concentrate more on quality,quantity will follow itself.



I'm a Body Builder won national championship.