Category: Snack

lentil and vegetable stew

One of the best recipes for vegetarian bodybuilders is a lentil and vegetable stew. This recipe is packed with protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, making it a great option for post-workout recovery.

This recipe is a great source of protein, thanks to the lentils, and it also provides complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. The vegetables add vitamins and minerals to the recipe, and the spices used in the recipe adds a delicious flavor to the dish. You can also add quinoa or brown rice to increase the carbohydrates content making it an ideal post-workout meal. It is important to note that, it is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional or a dietitian to make sure that the meal plan you follow is suited for your body and fitness goals.

Spicy chickpea and cucumber salad

Spicy chickpea and cucumber salad

Say protein and here is a bowl of chickpea, the first thing that comes to your mind. Chickpeas are superfood that are great source of protein, Vitamin B6, fibre, folate, iron and zinc. Chickpeas are also a good source of fibre that aid in digestion. They fuel up the body with complex carbohydrates that help lower or regulate the blood sugar levels. Chickpeas are also very satiating and hence give you the feeling of being full, keeping the hunger pranks at bay, thus essentially helping you with weight loss.

Quick and spicy chicken

Quick and spicy chicken

Nothing is as tastier and satisfying as a spicy piece of chicken breast for the foodies who enjoy meat. Chicken breasts are lean sources of high protein. Chicken is a good and complete source of protein since it contains almost all essential sources of amino acids required to build or repair body tissues. Each serving of cooked chicken breast consists of about 26 grams of protein. In addition to protein it also contains other important vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B6, potassium, zinc, niacin.

Sweet potato Porridge

Sweet potato Porridge

If a healthy diet is what you aim for, you cannot afford to miss out on the sweet potato. This is super food that is a powerhouse of several essential vitamins and nutrients. Whether you have it roasted or make a porridge, its unique taste will surely leave you wanting for more. Sweet potatoes are a super rich source of Vitamin A and have loads of fibre and potassium. Sweet potatoes offer a wide range of health benefits from reducing obesity, blood pressure to diabetes. The fibre content in sweet potato helps reduce the risk of diabetes by lowering the blood sugar levels whereas the potassium helps in lowering blood pressure.

Sweet sour and spicy corn

Sweet, sour and spicy corn

A yummy, sumptuous, yet healthy snack, yes that’s sweet corn. Whether you make it spicy or sweet, it is delectable enough to statisfy your taste buds as a morning brunch or be it an evening snack. This grain is rich in dietary fibre and protein. Besides, it also contains a healthy dose of several Vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and iron. Sweet corn is also loaded with antioxidants that help you boost your vision.