Kai Greene Banned From Mr Olympia 2015

Kai Greene Banned From Mr Olympia 2015

We all were waiting to see the Phil Health and Kai Greene battle at this years Mr Olympia. But there is a bad new, very bad new for all the Kai Greene fans out there. Kai “the Predator” Greene is not being allowed to compete this year. In a video released on Youtube, Kai Greene himself made the announcement that he was officially banned from competition.

Speculation abounds as to the circumstances behind this shocking story. Some inside source claims that Kai Greene’s banning stems from his intention to release his new Dynamik supplement line at the Olympia Expo. Its heard that Kai Greene asked for a free 20×20 Expo booth and was denied. When he was asked to pay for the booth, a standoff occurred and things got escalated. We do not know the real reason yet because these information has not yet been validated.

A later report states that Kai Greene did in fact make an attempt to pay for a booth and had never asked for free space. This source is claiming that Kai Greene’s request was denied.

Here is Kai Greene’s official statement, taken from a video he released last evening:

I’ve got a chance to see a lot of emails and messages and things, talking about that, asking me about that. I just… This is what it looks like when a man is trying to be responsible.
Let me just say that behind the scenes there is just so much more things that are going on than I’m not at liberty to share with you. There is a lot more that’s happening, and that is still in the process of happening that I cannot say.
It is a test of my resolve and my sense of personal responsibility to exist here in this moment, in this position, faced with this reality of what will be my inability to participate in the Mr Olympia 2015.
Let me just say that I’ve invested more than 20 years of my life in the belief, the idea, of being able to come to the Olympia and to do my absolute best. Despite whatever the opposition, whatever’s said, whatever the beliefs are on stage, off stage, whatever the opposition forces have been.
My resolve has been to respond as a champion and just aim to represent the better thought of what that means to me.
You don’t get this far, you don’t get to this point and just stop. It doesn’t happen like that.
I am not a victim. They are not going to break me. I don’t want to speak negatively to anybody, I don’t want negatively about anything else. Let me just say there’s more going on than I’m able to say.Kai Greene

Here is the original video of Kai Greene

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