How To Lose Stomach Fat

How To Lose Stomach Fat

Losing fat is more about dedication over a period of time rather than expecting quick results through crash diet which cause more harm than benefit, moreover stomach or belly is the last part of your body to get rid of excess fat.

Most frequently asked questions by our readers is how to lose stomach fat. And usually people are expecting some exercise routine that would magically give them 6 pack abs. Although exercise is important, people have to understand a healthy lifestyle is the basic necessity in achieving your fitness goals.

Planning and initiating is like half job done. If you make a robust plan and stick to it with enough perseverance you are bound to see results within 20 days. Start slow and follow a routine consistently to achieve desirable results.

You need to make changes and follow them consistently in the following areas for substantial noticeable results:

  • First and most important part is your diet, although this may not give quick results, however this is a fool proof way to lose substantial belly fat over a period of time .
  • Cut on processed foods and drinks as any processed foods impact your metabolism rate making it sluggish enough to store fats in your body. A banana a day or a glass of milk won’t cause you as much fat as a piece of pizza would.
  • Switch to natural raw and cooked food instead, like fruits, vegetable and low fat dairy products like egg white, skimmed meat, chicken breast.

Healthy Food

  • Maintain a balanced diet and stick to proper schedules for meal timings.
  • Ensure that you do have breakfast, a healthy one as skipping breakfast makes your metabolism slow thus giving signals to your body to store body fat and conserve energy for use throughout the day.
  • It i also important that you do not consume excess carbs in the form of cereals like wheat, rice as any excess carb is converted into fats unlike protein which is water soluble and body can get rid of any excess protein if require.
  • Drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water throughout the day as it helps in reducing the number & frequency of unhealthy cravings. dringing water
  • Cut or limit your intake of sugary or sweet products like tea, coffee, sweets as sugar has significant impact on level of fats in the body.
  • Have a glass of warm water with about half a lemon squashed which helps in getting rid of toxins from the body.

 lemon water

  • Stick to an exercise regime preferably early morning which includes stomach or belly workout. Running or jogging is the best form of exercise which not only helps get rid of stomach or belly fat but throughout the body.
  • Have small regular meals instead of large meals which helps boost your rate of metabolism. The idea is not to starve yourself but refuel your body adequately at proper frequency, skipping or having large meals creates an unwanted fat repository in your body.
  • Last but not the least stick to proper schedule for your sleep timings with a sleep of 6 to 8 hours which also makes an impact on your metabolism rate i.e. the ability of your body to utilize food rather than conserve it.


If you follow the above principles consistently, you are bound to see results within 20 days. Remember that following a healthy routine is the best way to love and pamper yourself.

Stay tuned for article on Stomach or Belly workout


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