5 Steps To Lose Weight At Home

We have adopted the policy, ‘the bigger, the better’ in many spheres of our lives. However, when it comes to our body sizes, we refer exactly the opposite of this i.e. ‘the thinner the better’. Are you no longer able to zip up your favorite jacket or does your favorite pair of jeans no longer fit you? If yes, then definitely you have a big problem to deal with i.e. weight gain. Luckily, for you this big, or to be more precise, heavy problem has a very homely solution. You do not need to hit the gym 7 days a week and break your bones to shed that extra weight. We are sharing with you 5 simple steps that will help you to lose weight at home, effectively.

1) Water

Water for weight loss
Water is nature’s best cleansing and detoxifying agent. One of the primary reasons for weight gain is a faulty digestive system. Water stimulates the digestive system, and helps the body to flush out unwanted materials. Start your day with a detoxifying drink i.e. a glass of warm water, a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon. Try to have 2 to 3 glasses of water on empty stomach. This cleanses the entire body from within. Throughout the day, make a note to have at least 12 to 15 glasses of water.

2) Sleep

Sleep for Weight Loss
For how many hours do you sleep? If your answer is less than 7 to 8 hours, then this may be the reason for your weight gain. You reboot your computer regularly to make it run smoothly, don’t you? Likewise, your body too needs to be rebooted by sleeping sufficiently. When your body does not get the desired rest, it fails to function optimally. Sleep for at least 7 hours in the night. This will improve your digestive system, blood circulation, hormonal levels, etc. You will remain fresh and active throughout the day, thus, utilizing more calories.

3) Stress

Strees affects weight loss
What do we say; none of us is ignorant to stress in today’s hectic lifestyle. No matter how hard you try, stress is inevitable. However, many people do not realize that stress is directly linked to weight gain. In some people, stress kills the appetite (temporarily). When the body, in response to the lost appetite, bounces back, the person eats more than his or her normal diet. It has also been seen that in many individuals, stress triggers a ferocious appetite that has given rise to ‘stress related obesity’. Hence, control your stress levels. Give yourself a break from the busy routine, spend time with family and friends, develop a hobby, sleep well, etc. If you can monitor your stress levels, then a major chunk of your weight problem is taken care of.

4) Food
When on one hand, food makes you fat and fluffy, on the other hand, food can help you to lose weight as well. The key is selective consumption. Here are a few items that you need to consume regularly if you want to lose weight at home –

  • Cinnamon:Cinnamon for weight loss
    It is a commonly available spice and found in almost all the homes. Having cinnamon tea a couple of times a day (2 to 3 times), can help you to control your sugar levels and thus make your body more efficient in utilizing the calories.
    Place a 1 to 2 cinnamon sticks in a cup of boiling water (about 250 ml). Cover the cup and leave it for 15 minutes. Now, strain it and your cinnamon tea is ready.
  • Apple Cedar Vinegar:Apple Cedar Vinegar for Weight Loss
    This item is no less than a wonder drug. Apple Cedar Vinegar is so effective in reducing weight that it burns your body fat even when you sleep. It powers up your digestive system and improves metabolism and fat utilization. You can have vinegar undiluted or diluted; it is your personal choice as both are equally effective.
    Diluted: Mix 1 teaspoon of Apple Cedar Vinegar to a glass of water and squeeze in a slice of lemon. Have it twice a day.
    Undiluted: Have 1 teaspoon in the night before you sleep.
  • Cabbage:Cabbage for weight loss
    This is a very beneficial vegetable when it comes to losing weight. It contains fibers, vitamins, and tartaric acid. This acid is the ingredient that prevents fat from being accumulated in the body. Have cabbage salad or soup a couple of times a day to lose weight.

5) Exercise

Exercise for Weight Loss

No weight-loss plan is complete without a little exercise. Combine all the above steps with a just 15 to 20 minutes of jogging, walking, skipping, swimming, or yoga, etc. This will not only help you to lose weight, but will also give you an overall good health.

We hope that these simple steps, if followed religiously, will give you visible results in just a couple of weeks time without you spending heftily on weight loss products and equipment. Just follow these 5-simple steps and lose weight at home, easily.

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